DSP Appreciation April 27, 2020
At Star Choices, we have never been prouder and more humbled to be a part of this team and our organization than during this current crisis.
We are grateful to the Direct Support Professional’s (DSP) from Star Choices who have carried on with their work, showing up each day at increased risk to their own health and the health of their families and loved ones. Why would someone do that? Here’s what we have been hearing from our dedicated men and women who continue to serve during a global pandemic:
- Because this is more than a job to me. It’s a calling.
- Because of what DD has done for me. He has given my life additional purpose I was not aware I was missing.
- Because I would never dream of leaving TT during such a tumultuous time where “the most vulnerable” become even more vulnerable.
We have temporarily shut down many of our in-community services, to help decrease the spread of COPVID-19 and because of this many team members have been willing to support folks in their homes. Team members have been going to the grocery store, making toilet paper runs, accompanying folks to essential doctors appointments … just to name a few of the ways staff have stepped up and continued to serve the folks we have been entrusted to support.
Perhaps John had your service in mind when he wrote:
“For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice – no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.” ~ John Burroughs
To our Direct Support Professionals, it is an honor supporting you in your service!
Thank you for your example for and patience with the administration of Star Choices.