We started out 2019 with the Benjamin’s!
Star Choices Inc. (Star) is committed to empowering employees with knowledge to make informed choices and reduce barriers for the folks they support. Transparency in ongoing feedback on performance, a fundamental philosophy to Star, helps align mission, vision, and values with actions made by company representatives every day.
Star Choices Inc. implemented a new practice of paying for performance quarterly. Most all employees receive Person Centered Supervisor monthly. One piece of the monthly supervision is a review of the employee’s performance based off an evaluation tool highlighting the employee’s accomplishments and areas for growth. Each quarter, employees are eligible for additional QPP based on their performance over the last quarter.
Star is blessed to have many employees committed to excellence in getting their documentation completed, assuring their updated insurance is on file, working well with their teammates both within the agency and those in the broader community.
Many Star employees focus on building community awareness & helping to create natural supports and connections with people in the community.
1st Quarter 2019 results.
Star looks forward to how this transparent ongoing merit based incentives will positively impact our communities and the lives of all people living in those communities.