Star Choices Inc. was selected to participate in a Learning Journey with Sangha Unity Network, Inc. (SUN), DBHDD, and  Michelle Schwartz, M.Ed. CCC-Sp, and Katie Chandler, LCSW.

This Learning Journey is designed for provider agencies who seek to further commit to a foundation of supporting self-advocates and person-centered practices. It is a 6-month commitment that offers an opportunity for personal growth for each individual participant and collective discovery for provider organizations.

Learning Journey Re-Imagining

Our Star team involved in the Learning Journey has been learning about …

Self-advocacy from self-advocates: We will better understand a self-advocate’s role as active decision-makers in service provision and be able to support each person to have more autonomy and be more self-determined.
The Power of Communication and the Power of People: Workshops designed for providers to incorporate training and mentoring to agency staff members around communication development, supports, and implementing person-focused service provision.

Tools to use to support people to move from typical “client” role of waiver recipient to role of citizen, focusing on asset-based community opportunities.