Completing an action alert email to our legislators asking them to address the DSP Workforce Shortage:
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities has created an email you can send through this online platform directly to your specific House Representative and Georgia Senator by entering your home address and pushing send. You are welcome to make the email content more personable in the text box:
Signing a Change Position:
This petition says that “we need Georgia’s General Assembly to include funding in the state budget during the 2022 legislative session to provide an hourly wage for DSPs that will encourage stability, reduce turnover, and demonstrate our state’s belief that Georgians with IDD do deserve high quality support from a stable and skilled workforce.”
Self-Advocates in Uniting for Change
Self-Advocates in Uniting for Change speak up about what is important, make choices that matter, and pursue their dreams. This network is led by a group of committed self-advocacy leaders who guide Uniting for Change’s advocacy efforts.
The U4C Leadership Collective is ever-changing based on who is interested in giving their time and ideas to the network as a whole. These Leadership Collective Members mentor, teach, and work to grow self-advocacy across the state through committees.
Self-advocates are supported by allies who believe in, advocate with, and support the self-advocacy movement.