Increasing wages for Direct Support Professionals I’m very excited to announce that Star Choices Inc. financial situation has allowed us to increase staff community Direct Support Professionals (DSP’s) pay. Beginning 01/21/2021 community...
Direct Support Professional Recognition Week is an opportunity to highlight the dedicated direct support workforce that provides life assisting support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Direct Support Professional Recognition Week is...
2021 happened! What a day to celebrate the accomplishments of our team. The effects of COVID-19, staffing shortages, vaccine mandate, and much more posed many challenges this year and I am so proud to be part of a team that came together, volunteered to work, showed...
Carnival Day was filled with joy and appreciation! Smiles were flowing with ease. Carnival Day was the culmination of a week-long celebration of Star Choices Direct Support Professionals. So proud to be part of this North Georgia administrative team putting on this...
February 17th 2021National Random Act Of Kindness Day While we may have planned some, the acts of kindness was quite a day. We decided to make and decorate cards for a local nursing home to brighten some seniors days. The whole process helped create smiles for the...