One of the bright spots of 2020 was the vast expansion in Star Choices Inc. of the use of video conferencing. While video conferencing will never be able to provide the same magic that happens when you get passionate and education people in a room, it has increased...
Vaccine’s for Star Choices Inc. employee’s have begun. The Hall County Health department has been friendly, professional, and courteous. This is the first of 2 doses of Vaccine from Pfizer which patients’ will receive. After our second dose we will be prevented...
Some of the brightest memories of 2020 come from DSP’s that work for Star Choices Inc. and the extraordinary contribution day-to-day in the lives of the folks we support. Thank you so much for you continued service and support during these unprecedented times. While...
DSP Appreciation April 27, 2020 At Star Choices, we have never been prouder and more humbled to be a part of this team and our organization than during this current crisis. We are grateful to the Direct Support Professional’s (DSP) from Star Choices who have carried...