DSP Appreciation Week September 12th – 16th 2022
Monday Cook out @ Alberta Banks Park 11:00am – 1:30pm. Stop in when you can.
Tuesday Appreciation Gifts, delivered to the house you work most often with so you can pick up your next day at work. All gifts should arrive in homes by 4:00pm Tuesday.
Wednesday Triple B’s Bowling, Brunch, Bumpers Come join us from 10am – 1pm.
Thursday When it rains sometime it keeps coming, another gift for you should arrive in homes by 4:00pm Thursday.
Friday Around the world lunch day, southern, Italian, Mexican, Polish, Japanese/Chinese. Come taste the wonders of the world in fellowship at the office 11am – 1:00pm. Stop in when you can.
I know everybody can’t make everything. Please get with your team leader so you can be sure if you can’t make them all that you are able to make your top picks.
As always, thank you for your continued service.
Star Administration.